The monsters are listed in chronological order. Now Godzilla and his friends must clean up the mess! A biiiiiiiiiggggg monster mash indeed! NO SPOILERS! Also, aliens are trying to invade. There he meets Anguirus and Anguirus tells him what happened. Sitting peacefully at the shore, he gazed up at the sky AND SUDDENLY RIPS AND CRACKS APPEARED IN THE SKY!!! Out from them came monsters from many different generations!!! Godzilla was like WTF and goes to Tokyo. Multiplayer Vs Mode and Multiplayer Destruction Mode are similar to their Singleplayer counterparts but with multiple players. In Co-op Mode you play Story Mode but with a partner as well. In Godzilla History Mode, you play the many incarnations of Godzilla throughout the movies in chronological order. Destruction Mode is where you have to destroy more of the city or landscape than your opponent(s). Vs Mode is where you can chose which monster to play as and which ones to fight. Story Mode is where you play the story in different perspectives depending on the monster you chose.

Up to four players can play, although in Online Multiplayer Tournaments there can be up to 10 players in one battlefield (or city or arena). Some levels ,however, are on rails like in Godzilla Generations: Maximum Impacts. Godzilla Generations: Big Monster Mash has gameplay similar to Godzilla Unleashed. Also, the game is a little similar to Godzilla Unleashed.The price will be $79.99 for PS4 and Xbox One, $69.99 for PC and WiiU and $59.99 for the 3DS. The game will be released on the PC on September 27, 2018, Nintendo HDS on October 17, 2018, WiiU on November, 7, PS4 on December 1, and Xbox One has an uncertain release date. Godzilla Generations: Big Monster Mash is a 2016 game to be developed by Toho Fantendo Games Division and published by Sunstone Games as a pseudo-sequel to Godzilla Generations: Maximum Impact (1999). We hope to complete it as soon as possible! Please excuse its informal appearance while it is being worked on.