Of course, this thing doesn’t come cheap, costing over 13,000 caps. This modified Fat Man will actually fire off two mini-nukes at once and will give radiation damage. It can be found only at a merchant, the Commonwealth Weaponry shop in Diamond City to be specific. The Big Boy is probably the most powerful weapon in all of Fallout 4. The slightly more insane alternative to the Fat Man. Once he’s down just loot the body to find the Furious Power Fist. I’d suggest waiting until you have some spare mini-nukes and are a pretty high level character before even attempting this though. Taking him out will be very difficult, so bring explosives and whatever else might be helpful. Unfortunately it’s being guarded by a gigantic monster. It is found in Swan Pond inside of the Boston Common. This epic melee contraption will be pretty tough to get ahold of. You’ll just have to be careful if you’re doing a lot of workshop building, as there’s actually a lot of stuff to do with all of that junk in Fallout 4. Whether it’s a teddy bear, desk fan, or a bowling ball, the Junk Jet will fire it and can easily take down a few feral ghouls. Any item that goes into the junk category of your inventory can be loaded and fired from this thing, causing some serious damage. Instead, as the name implies, the gun uses junk. The Junk Jet is a pretty unique weapon in Fallout 4, as it doesn’t require any real ammo. The gun has some nice modifiers on it, making your critical shots do more damage, and allowing the meter to fill faster. To get this gun just complete the Call to Arms quest given to you by Paladin Danse at Cambridge Police Station. Probably one of the best early energy weapons in Fallout 4, Righteous Authority is easy to get and should cover your needs well into the main story. Harpoon Gun – Fires deadly harpoon rounds.Spray N’ Pray – Fires explosive rounds that do high damage.Alien Blaster – Energy weapon that does high damage.Deliverer – Silenced gun that uses 10mm ammunition.Big Boy – Most powerful weapon in the game fires two mini-nukes.Furious Power Fist – High Damage Melee Weapon.Junk Jet – Can be loaded with junk inventory for ammunition.Righteous Authority – Energy Weapon that makes critical shots do more damage.Cryolator – High Damage with the ability to freeze enemies.

This Fallout 4 Weapons Guide will show you how to get the best melee weapons, missile launchers, automatic rifles, assault rifles, energy guns and other legendary weapons that you’ll encounter in the world of Fallout 4 giving you your best odds for survival. If you want to get the best weapons in the Fallout 4 wasteland then you’ll have to know where to look, so here’s a quick guide. However, that last bit can be pretty tough, as the world is gigantic and full of items to sift through. We’ve already shown you where to get the Fat Man mini-nuke launcher in Fallout 4, but the game is full of interesting and powerful weapons to find.